4TH new Valient Himself track up w/ Ian Macdougall

This morning I released the 4th single in my pandemic covers project. This one is a collaboration with @ianbrentmacdougall on acoustic guitar and me singing covering one of my favorite Neil Young tracks. His version on the LIVE AT MASSEY HALL 1971 released by @neilyoungarchives a while back captures something rare in a singer/songwriter. Or to me rare in that he seems unsure about what songs he wants to play, mentions the passing of time as if songs he wrote before maybe don’t mean as much as they did when he wrote them, gets distracted and makes jokes- but ultimately I think he was just stoned- and knew exactly what little pieces of story to tell to keep us coming back, over and over again for years listening, and enjoying a master of his craft, with just a voice and a guitar, or a voice and a piano. Maybe some harmonica. I love this one and I hope y’all think we did it justice. That’s 4 new tunes up on Spotify/ Apple Music/ Amazon/ YouTube/ Pandora/ Tidal- whereever you get your digital tunes, check em out and shoot me some feedback. Cover photo by @garycopelandphotography #thorriors #neilyoung#valienthimself
